heading, issue, element, id, class, line, column, description NOTICE|WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_2.H25.2|Test One|||4|4|Check that the title element describes the document. ERROR|WCAG2A.Principle3.Guideline3_1.3_1_1.H57.2| Test One


Test Test Test |||0|0|The html element should have a lang or xml:lang attribute which describes the language of the document. NOTICE|WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_4.H77,H78,H79,H80,H81|Test|herpDerp|test Element|8|4|Check that the link text combined with programmatically determined link context identifies the purpose of the link. NOTICE|WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_4.H77,H78,H79,H80,H81|Test|||9|4|Check that the link text combined with programmatically determined link context identifies the purpose of the link. NOTICE|WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_4.H77,H78,H79,H80,H81|Test||herp|10|4|Check that the link text combined with programmatically determined link context identifies the purpose of the link.